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Do you recall "Cutters"? These were the people who seemed to have no regard for anyone else except getting there before you. It seemed that life has always been all about their interests, not yours. It is an insult to everyone who did things right by those who just didn't give a damn about the effect on you.
Cutting has found its way into the Green business arena as businesses find ways to cut in line ahead of the ones who are doing it right. The right way to develop as a Green business is to develop a sustainability plan that does more than a few token gestures, and then faithfully implement that plan over time. To validate that the efforts were real and properly engaged, an auditor is called in to verify that the company had achieved a level of certification. These four steps of planning, implementation, audit, and certification are the normal and right way to develop a truly Green business.
Any attempt to brand your company as a Green business must be supported by something more than boast and should have substance that supports the company's marketing and branding campaign.
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